
Posts Tagged ‘change’

Too many words. (Helen)


Proverbs 10:19 ‘Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.’

I’v just got my computer back after it got broken several months ago. I was really looking forward to using this blog again and sharing our experiences and lessons in life. But I have been really bothered by much teaching in the Bible and many examples in life of people with a lot to say not being the ones to listen too.

How can I test my motivation in sharing our lives through a blog? How can I ensure I am sharing life and not teaching or prescribing? How can I offer my reflections to God and not to our blog readers?

Well, I haven’t found the answer yet.

In life Jon and I are praying for us to be people of action more than conversation (the irony of which is that the opportunities to serve that God is giving us are conversation based action!! it is good to know He turns around our sinfulness to restore our gifts to the use they should have!). I am learning that words are really powerful and to be careful what I say and how (I am not good at this).

And so, well this blog may be affected by this. But I don’t know how yet. God’s refining is always a process in my experience and we are definitely in a period of being taught and changed by God almost daily. I would love to share some of these lessons and will do if my conscience allows 😉

Keep watching this space!




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